I may seem crazy , but I feel like these women are my best friends .
actually , I know you feel that way too ( admit it ! ) .
over the past couple of seasons of the real housewives of
beverly hills ( precaution : if you don't watch , you may not relate )
I have developed a relationship with the girls just like I did in high school
with MTV's "laguna beach " - laughing , crying , & watching
their ups & downs in awe .
the beautiful houses , the beautiful families ( hello , mauricio ! )
and doesn't beverly hills look like the most magical place ever ?
anyway , I do love my life so I will not go on about the
oh - so - glamourous lives of the housewives - BUT ,
I had an epiphany while watching the most recent episode .
lisa's hair is always perfect . she always looks so feminine ,
especially when she wears pink ( most definitely her color ) .
I thought , my hair is thick , brown , & slightly wavy -
I have been needing a haircut , why not try the " lisa " look ?
but then kyle came on , and her hair is always perfect as well
( okay fine all of their hair is perfect ! ) - long , shiny, & manageable .
it kind of looks like my hair now - but note the word manageable ,
as mine is not .
anywho , the brunettes of beverly hills clearly have me inspired
as to my next much needed haircut - but as you can see
I am having trouble choosing between the ladies .
what do you prefer ? long & sleek , or short & chic ?